
Часто задаваемые вопросы

В Audi Club Europe мы хотим сделать обслуживание максимально простым и беспроблемным. Ниже приведены некоторые часто задаваемые вопросы. Если вашего вопроса нет в списке ниже, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нашей службой поддержки по телефону +32 491 14 82 65.

У меня новая машина; нужно ли доставить его в дилерский центр для технического обслуживания, чтобы моя гарантия действовала?

Нет! Забудьте все об этом старом мифе. Пока вы следуете спецификациям, данным производителем (которые можно найти в руководстве пользователя), ваша гарантия действительна. В автосервисе мы всегда соблюдаем график технического обслуживания производителя. Мы позаботимся о том, чтобы ваша гарантия осталась в силе, а ваш автомобиль был исправен – на много лет вперед!

Что я должен сделать, чтобы сохранить гарантии на мой автомобиль?

Убедитесь, что ваш автомобиль обслуживается с интервалами, указанными в руководстве пользователя или гарантийном талоне, и ведите четкие записи о техническом обслуживании вашего автомобиля. Обязательно укажите дату, установленные детали, идентификационный номер автомобиля и пробег, указанный в счете. Храните свои квитанции в надежном месте. Если у вас есть сервисный журнал в руководстве пользователя или гарантийном талоне, мы настоятельно рекомендуем вам его использовать.

My car is a leased vehicle. Am I responsible for maintenance?

Even if you lease a vehicle, you are responsible for all maintenance and repairs required to keep the vehicle in good working order as outlined in the owner’s manual.

What parts should be replaced and at what intervals should these services be performed?

Check your owner’s manual. It will give you all of the information you need regarding specific parts and service intervals. Make sure to read it thoroughly and note any exceptions or severe service notations. Warranties are there to protect the consumer, but you must follow the requirements.

What if my new car needs repairs other than regularly scheduled maintenance such as a brake job or other repairs? Do I have to return to the dealer for these repairs? What if these repairs are covered under my warranty?

The choice of where to have your car serviced and repaired is yours. However, you will probably have to take the car back to the dealer for any repairs covered under warranty. Thoroughly check your warranty to be certain which repairs are covered.

How does the quality of aftermarket parts compare with original equipment parts?

Some are manufactured by the same supplier and may even be warrantied longer than original equipment parts. Aftermarket parts supplied by CARQUEST meet or exceed manufacturers’ specifications.

What is a timing belt and how do I know when mine needs replacing?

A timing belt, is a part of an internal combustion engine that controls the timing of the engine’s valves. Your timing belt should be changed every 50,000-70,000 miles, however every manufacturer is different. You should consult your owner’s manual to determine the correct replacement interval.

Does brake fluid really need to be changed?

The average driver uses their brakes 75,000 times per year and takes for granted that they’ll work every time. Today’s brake systems are hydraulic and use brake fluid which is hydrophilic, meaning it can absorb moisture from the air. Once the hydraulic system has moisture in it, corrosion takes place and brake components fail. Brake fluid should be flushed periodically to keep corrosion under control. This procedure is not expensive and is included in many preventative maintenance schedules. Brake fluid should be handled with care. It will melt plastics and remove paint.

How often should antifreeze be replaced?

Antifreeze should be replaced every two years due to oxidation and deterioration of important additives. These additives lubricate the water pump and protect metal parts from rust and oxidation. They also help keep coolant hoses soft and flexible. Today we can recycle and clean old antifreeze, replacing the additives. Antifreeze is very toxic and not environmentally friendly so recycling makes good sense. The engine’s thermostat should also be replaced every 2 years to keep the engine operating temperatures in the proper range.